


RADLIGHT is a rugged lighter for the harshest conditions. Ergonomically designed for improved fire-starting the horizontal flame gets heat where you need it, waterproof, and a liquid fuel flame keeps your thumb safe from burns. With 30% more fuel capacity, 25% larger flint wheel and 2x flint capacity, RADLIGHT keeps you in the field longer.


Replace was honored to design the brand id and packaging for the RADLIGHT. By taking inspiration from the unique shape of the lighter we developed a simple and bold R logomark and created a unique logotype for the brand. For the packaging we utilized a deep letterpress on heavy orange paper to give the packaging a rugged quality that echos the lighter. The biggest challenge was finding a readily available orange paper that came in a variety of weights for the various pieces of the packaging.


We went through multiple concepts for the packaging of the RADLIGHT based on the client’s ideas. All the dielines and prototyping was done in-house.

The first was a 2-part matchbox approach. The second was a 3-part box that pulled apart to reinforced how the lighter itself works.


This was a fast moving project. We initially presented 7 directions for the branding.