Joia in the News

Joia is in the news again, this time with their two new flavors featured by BevNet.

Take a moment and see what BevNet has to say here. Here’s to you, Joia!

Equal Equals Love

As I’m sure many of you are aware there’s vote coming up this election year concerning the definition of marriage. We here at Spunk Design Machine have, and always will, stand on the side of equality. In Minnesota, Equal Equals Love. Vote No.

Springboard for the Arts Mural

Talented Spunk designer Lucas Richards was commissioned by Saint Paul’s Springboard for the Arts to paint a mural on their headquarters wall. We think he really took this to the next level.

New Davis Food Coop Website is a Go

Our clients at Davis Food Coop in Davis, California just launched their fresh new website design by Spunk Design Machine.

Check out the responsive web design magic here.

AZ Canteen Hits the Blogs (and the Streets)

Spunk Design Machine was asked by Andrew Zimmern, host of Bizarre Foods to design his brand new food truck from top to bottom. We were more than happy to oblige.

You can read about this awesome roving canteen here.

Visit the AZ Canteen website here.


Artcrank Keepin' It Reel

Our friends at Artcrank are hosting a screening of their new movie “Artcrank” at their event Reels x Wheels. Way to go guys!

You can find info about the event here:

Why are you still reading this? Go check it out!


Go Tooth Taxi!

New Joia in the House

Just in today, two new Joia flavors hit up the Spunk Design Machine Shop.