Cedar to Barbette!

Well, you know that *better* weather has finally graced the great state of Minnesota when the canoes are released back into the chain of lakes. Last night was the Cedar-to-Barbette season christening, and 24 mph winds weren’t about to stop anyone from paddling towards palatable pleasure! Here’s to many more Cedar-to-Barbettes in the coming months!

NE Community Chiropractic website!

Ta-da! Check out the new branding work and website we designed for NE Community Chiropractic! If you haven’t yet heard of NE Community Chiropractic, well then we are pleased to introduce you! They are housed in the Frank Stone building (right above Chowgirls) in NE Mpls, and are uniquely the only chiropractic office with a sliding scale in the area (aka affordable for the starving artist!)

If you’re looking for a testimony or a referral, just talk to our project manager, Lindsay. She’s been getting a foot injury treated by Dr. Hanson since February and absolutely swears by it!

Spunk Compost!

There goes 5 month’s worth of Spunk Compost (lots of coffee grounds!), on its way to Jeff’s new boulevard garden of corn, sunflowers, and beans. We call this the circle of life, my friends. The circle of life!

UMD design students visit Spunk!

Thanks to these U of M Duluth design students for making the trek down to visit our studio! We had fun, hope you all did too.

Paperless Posters for the Artisan Activist Poster Show!

Well, we’ve had quite the number of Artisan Activists trickling into our studio over the past week to drop off their posters for the Artisan Activist Poster Show. Thanks to everyone for making the trek, it’s been fun to be the drop-off spot! Also tickling our fancy: the paperless posters Craig installed at the Aveda Institute shown above.

So go check out the environmentally-minded posters, paper and paperless alike!

Artisan Activist Poster Show
Fri, April 22 / 7-10pm / Aveda Institute

Half of the profits will go to the Audubon Mississippi Project, and the other half will go to the poster artists.

Monday morning deliciousness.

Maybe Spring has slighted us – shedding snow on our tulips and forcing us back into coats to fight off the chill. But you know who hasn’t slighted us? The pastry-and-donut gods! They rarely fail to deliver, and this gray Monday morning is no exception. Special thanks to 3 Tiers and our pals Diane and Heidi at AIGA Minnesota for the delicious treats. Yummmm.

Goodbye (and congrats) to Luke Mills!

After two years aboard the Spunk Design Machine, Luke is now embarking on a new adventure over at TWIN SIX in Uptown. He’ll certainly be missed (particularly at lunch time), but we’re all pretty excited for him. Join us in saying Congrats Luke!

And really, no one can pull off a banana suit quite like he can, right?