Hello Good People! As summer rolls on, friends, the righteous new projects from Replace are beginning to stack up. Here is one more that I’ve been wanting to exclaim about for a while. I truly hope you dig it.

The Minneapolis Cider Company

I love the City of Minneapolis like a shark loves blood. When I moved to this town back in 1992 I was living out of my 1983 Buick Skylark. To me, Minneapolis is not just the city where I live, Minneapolis is my very own freak-tacular, magic city of dreams. I arrived in this city as a broke-ass farm kid, fresh out of art school, looking for a job. Minneapolis turned me into the globe-trotting, designer-dork, illustrator, business owner, raconteur, team-leader, husband, father, and family dude that I am today. I truly believe that Minneapolis is made of magic.
This client was originally called Lionheart Cider. I would not use the name “Minneapolis” on any brand unless I was sure it was as magical. To be called “The Minneapolis Cider Company” this brand has to be the best product possible to properly represent our city, the best city in the world!
The Minneapolis Cider Company was announced last week in the pages of Growler Magazine. Replace was asked to redesign this brand and we helped rename it as well. The client gave this brand the name The Minneapolis Cider Company to better align this purely local product with the great city where it was invented. I hope you dig the work. The Minneapolis Cider Company makes a great tasting cider that is much lower in calories than the major hard ciders on the market. It is made with great tasting honey crisp apples from right here in Minnesota.
The Brand Case Study.
Here is the story in Growler Magazine
The Minneapolis Cider Company website
The story in Brewbound.

I hope you like the new work. And I can’t wait for you to try
the new Cider. It’s truly awesome. Enjoy!

Jeff Johnson
Founder and Designer: Replace Inc.