Joia is #31 in the Metro 100!

More Joia, more love! From Metro Magazine’s “Metro 100”:

31. Joia soda

The local Boundary Waters Brands company launched this line of not-too-sweet, cocktail recipe-inspired sodas this year, and our lives haven’t been the same since. Check out the July 2011 issue of METRO for a no-fail, boozy punch recipe that features the pineapple-coconut-nutmeg flavor.

Good call, Metro Mag!

And you, fine reader, make sure to check out the others at the “Metro 100” link above.

JOIA in Twin Cities Business!

Gene Rebeck wrote a nice article about JOIA All Natural Soda in October’s Twin Cities Business. If you’re interested in reading the JOIA story, find the article HERE. There’s even mention of Spunk in there. And if you haven’t tried the soda yet, make it happen! It will not disappoint.

CVA Exhibition: WOMN Women in Minnesota Design!

College of Visual Arts 2011 Leaders of Design Series, 26 Oct – 13 Nov

WOMN: Women in Minnesota Design
Honoring women who’ve helped put Minnesota on the map with graphic design that’s conceptual, meaningful, inspiring, hard working, and pretty powerful.

To see the awesome list of participating lady designers and event time and information, go HERE!

JOIA in Midtown Global Market!

We finished a presentation at Midtown Exchange this morning and popped into the Global Market to pick up some Sriracha (always a necessity), and we happened upon our favorite non-alcoholic beverages. What a JOIA it was!