The New Home of Poster Offensive
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
The beautiful and talented Peter Fetsch has taken over stewardship of the Poster Offensive and has created a new home for it on the interwebs! Check out and get in touch with your inner activist.
Appealing Bananas
Thursday, January 14, 2010
The work we created for Equal Exchange Bananas
is out in the world and turning heads.
Read all about it:
The Flying Tomato Floats West
Galactic Pizza Boxes featured on Design and Design showcase
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Our recent packaging for Galactic Pizza was just featured in the Design and Design showcase on their website. You can check it out here .
Spunk frees a FedEx truck…
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
New Signage for Blasted Art!
New Screen Printed Windows at Seward Coop!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Here are some shots from the latest screen printed window dressing we did for the Mighty Seward Coop. This technique produces a fraction of the waste of traditional methods and the ink is completely water soluble. Many thanks to Craig Johnson, Peet Fetsch, and Lucas Richards for the immaculate window conceptions here.