2008 Spunk initiatives

NutCracker Sweet n’ Sour – Complete screenplay about a holiday romance with an Asian flair.

bridge matching funds from HotWheels

I’m not sure if anyone from the State of Minnesota has considered this – but I think there may be an opportunity to get some matching funds from the HotWheels Corporation for the new 35W bridge redesign. It may pay off big; with inclusion of a massive orange loop-to-loop at the center of the Mississippi crossing. Worth pursuing.


diablo her due

I think I may have gone Diablo Cody loco. I found myself youtubing her interviews last night while my 3-year old clamored for attention. It’s noteworthy that any author can so easily make me shirk my fathering responsibilities. I dunno when I’ll get a chance to see Juno, but I think I might have to chisel in a matinee. Also glad to see that teen pregnancy is cool again. Long overdue.


blog? isn't that a type of swamp? no wait, that's a bog…

hmmm… I thought we were through with using my full name but evidently my uber girly alter ego may win the bet… she’ll probably pick based on uniform color too…

maybe that’s not a bad idea, although picking alphabetically didn’t work out so well last time either…

Playoff payoff?

January is here to stay, and everyone at the studio is pretty psyched for the big NFL playoff bracket! But since we’ve missed the last few weeks of regular season action, the stakes are going to be doubled for this bracket! Who’s going to win? Justin? Jeff? Samantha? Who knows! But no matter what happens, it’s going to be lots of fun!

Evel Intentions

Good morning!

Hey, It’s my first blog post – I feel like a newborn polar bear cub, being suckled to strength by a loving german zoologist. Or maybe that’s just too much of a stretch.

Today I’m working on a joint party with a buddy of mine to honor the life of my youth time here Evel Knieval. The title of party so far is “Evel Intentions”.

“The function of wisdom is to discriminate between good and Evel”  – Cicero
“It is a sin to believe Evel of others, but it is seldom a mistake.” – H.L. Mencken
