


The globally recognized and accoladed celebrity chef, Andrew Zimmern has repeatedly partnered with Replace to craft new and unique food experiences. AZ Canteen is a celebration of global flavors and honors Andrew’s New York heritage where in the early days of automotive vehicles, the term “Canteen” referred to any mobile serving kitchen.

“REPLACE is such a crucial part of my business that we consult them regularly on every deal we do. Literally. Their marketing and business strategic input is as remarkable as their world class design work, just less well advertised. I don’t make a move with out REPLACE.”


Andrew Zimmern

Celebrity Chef

At Target Field

Phase 1

The national phenomena of great Food Truck experiences led the design consideration. The naming ranged far and wide as did the early design exploration. Andrew’s globe-hopping television and media personally allowed for multi-faceted approached to food, travel. culture, flavor, and exploration.

Phase 2

The brand team quickly unified around the “AZ Canteen” identity and Replace began the refinement work on the larger brand delivery. The AZ Canteen brand became expanded to include brick and mortar food experiences in the twin cities. AZ Canteen began as a rolling food adventure, but now is in multiple stadium locations.

Sacca Pazzo

SACCA PAZZO is an off-shoot of AZ Canteen and was a brand and packaging we built for easy-to-eat pockets of deliciousness. This brand borrows from the AZ Canteen’s visual style and iconography. Available in select baseball stadiums, these “Crazy Pockets” bring a variety of delicious fillings to the palm of your hand.

The Design Process