Poster Offensive 5 is Coming!
Friday, September 24, 2010
The PO5 show is just around the corner. Food catered by Chowgirls, coffee and chocolates from Equal Exchange, tunage from the Anthem Heart DJ’s, and something special from Printing On the Cheap. It’s gonna be a blast, y’all.
The opening reception will be 7pm, October 29th at GALLEY, the space formerly occupied by Frank Stone Gallery at 1224 Second Street NE Minneapolis. The show will run from October 29th through November 7th.
Bike Trailer Supreme
Friday, September 24, 2010
In order to bike his kids to school jeff commissioned this monstrous trailer, and the boys over at the Angry Catfish really came through!
If you need a crazy bike build or some great coffee, give them a try.
P6 on French Paper Site
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Principle Six Welcome Kit has hit the French Paper Sample Room. It was a treat to have Franklin Press print this great P6 project on lemon drop Pop-tone paper.
Watch for P6 at a food co-op near you this October.
Spunk Cafe
The Composting Deathstar
Equal Exchange Gears Up for P6 Launch
Thursday, September 16, 2010
New P6 shirts are printed and a Principle Six launch coming to a food Co-op near you.
Equal Exchange along with 6 other co-operatives nation wide are launching an exciting new initiative called Principle Six. Principle Six supports products that represent our highest values by promoting: small farmers, co-operatives and non-prots, and local farmers! Select products with the P6 logo next time you visit Seward Co-op and join the movement!
Joel Templin at CVA
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Joel Templin, friend of the Spunk shop and co-founder of Hatch Design in San Francisco, is coming to speak at CVA Sept. 22.
Check out the event page for more info: