The Minneapolis icon and leader in the local food movement, Birchwood Cafe, engaged Replace to Improve + Replace their visual brand identity.  Tracy Singleton, Birchwood owner and founder needed to update her ground breaking restaurant to grow market awareness. Under the brand mission of “Good. Real. Food.”, the Birchwood Cafe led the Minneapolis region in sourcing and supporting locally grown and locally owned food. Birchwood’s iconic brand identity was leveraged from the Birchwood Creamery that occupied the Cafe location for decades prior to the Birchwood claiming the space as home. Honoring that legacy and honoring the logotype, Replace began the careful examination of this local landmark cafe.



Styleguide + Custom typeface!

Application & Web

The Design Process

Phase 1

Our goal was to only update the Birchwood logotype for rigors of small space digital and cross media success. We did not want to abandon the existing identity, rather we identified the key “recipe” of brand artifacts that made Birchwood both unique and great.

Phase 2

New custom Birchwood fonts were illustrated and programmed as fully functional fonts. Dozens of custom illustrations were brought into the brand and highly modular brand style guide was created.