Get your Davis poster!

Fresh off the drying rack! Welcome to Davis posters are now being sold on the Spunk store. Get yours fast because these juicy delights are a limited edition printing of 200! They are hand screen-printed, numbered, stamped and signed for authenticity with a whole lotta Spunk love. So go ahead, treat yourself to 25.5″x15.5″ of fresh tomato-y goodness!

Breakfast part deux


Nice article by Equal Exchange about the infographics we did for P6. Where does your breakfast food come from? If you’re close to Davis, Seward, Battleboro or Merc co-operatives, you can know for sure. Check out the available infographics for download here.

50×50 North Dakota

Jeff was invited to do a piece for his homestate of North Dakota in the 50×50 state motto series and this is the fruit of his labor.

Click here for a larger version so you can read all the dorky facts Jeff pulled out for this one!

Check out all the other great state motto designs at

Snowman Comes Down

After two years of being swamped with work, Steve declared this afternoon that he had a few spare moments to finally take down Snowman, who resides on our front window. The news has hit Lindsay the hardest, as she and Snowman have grown quite fond of one another, sharing such close quarters these past four months. In a moment of vulnerability, she admitted to us that she often would imagine Snowman giving her a cheeky wink as she left the office each day, as if to say “See you tomorrow, old friend.” (Probably good we took him down.)

Well. We’ll be seeing you, old friend. Fare thee well.

Welcome to Dotopia

Hey, check out the work we did for Dotopia! Their site just launched and Spunk whipped up the animated video (watch out for the flying pens). We were happy to work with our friends at Complete Design Studio, who are behind the overall site design. Look around while you’re there, too. Dotopia is a great new organization all about empowering people “to make a good world better.”

Who Grows Your Breakfast?

Principle Six, a food movement that wants you to consider who’s behind the food that ends up on your plate. Through materials like this P6 Breakfast poster, Spunk Design Machine is working to change the way we look at our meals – turning it into a celebration of the people and efforts it takes to bring it to your door and moving toward a more equatable food system.

Artifact Shore in Wire

Justin Martinez and Ben Pagel, the New York branch of Spunk, along with bandmates Dan Cords and Joe Thoen, make up Artifact Shore. The title track from their first full-length album Instruments of the Devil is featured on Wire Magazine‘s CD compilation, The Wire Tapper 25. “Containing a cross section of the most cutting edge underground artists,” The Wire Tapper 25 is included in the April issue. The UK magazine is available at fine newstands now. Check out the video for Artifact Shore’s featured track here.

Spunk Designs iTunes Bestseller!

Spunk’s client, Spark Radio is now 13 months on the iTunes bestseller list!

It was our pleasure to team up with Handcast Media, to design and name this great iPhone App and iPad App that followed.

Get your very own Spark Radio App here.

Anastasia Cifuentes

Anastasia Cifuentes, a multi-faceted actor based in New York, recently launched a new website. We had the pleasure of working with Room 34 to showcase this talented, upcoming actor by bringing a fresh look and feel to her site while maintaining a bit of classic elegance, sophistication and glamour. Head over to the site and check her out on twitter and facebook, too.