More Q! for you!

Alright, Let’s see if my video link works here

Avenue Q!

Andrew Comfort, the genius visionary behind Q-BA-MAZE (with impeccable taste in oysters i might add) was asked by the mighty Walker Art Center here in Minneapolis to do a window display for his product sold in the Walker Store. He and his crew of sculptors laid down proper. Take a lookit.


Just Force It!

Alright – this is worth noting.
This weekend i downloaded and watched
Force 10 from Navarone from itunes.

Jesus! I had forgotten that this might be
in the running for best Sunday afternoon movie of all time.
I seem to remember it playing on Fargo afternoon theater
like every week when i was a kid.

Check out these movie assets:
-A young Harrison Ford in a Nazi uniform for over half the movie
-An extended knife fight between Carl Weathers and Richard Kiel (jaws from bond)
-An extended nude bathing scene featuring Barbara Bach (From Russia with love bond girl)
-Extensive 1970’s minature shots (think towering inferno level special effects here)

and lots of nazis – lots and lots of nazis.

This movie is everything that the sabbath should be about.


The balance of breakfast power has changed….

The Highland Lunds now has a a full Breakfast Bar!!
Quiche, omelets, sausage, pigs in a blanket – da whole 9 yards.
This morning was the first Spunk Breakie Big Top.
This really changes everything.

An issue of a Megaphone.

Check out this note from the minnesota dfl newsletter.

Note: We not only broke all prior records, we shattered them. The all-time caucus-turnout record, in 1968, was under 80,000. Turnout topped 75,000 only one other time, in 1972. Last night we topped 200,000; Secretary of State Mark Ritchie estimates that, when all the precincts report, more than 230,000 DFLers attended a precinct caucus — triple the old record.

This is the story all around the country, dems out represented GOP caucuses by a whopping 73% margin. This is interesting for all kinds of reasons, but it’s important to note that this comes after 5 full years now of progressive liberal talk radio.

I haven’t heard anyone talk about this. The war was just as unpopular in 2004 as 2008: The difference it would seem, is a matter of the megaphone. And certainly – there are better candidates this round – but this is true on both sides of the aisle. In 2004, Liberal radio was a novelty and a start up. Now there are several networks and they are funded. Still not a story – but it’s worth noting.

'Tallica on Itunes!!!!

Hey, The Metallica back catalog is Itunes!
this is the best news since brittany got pregnant.
I’ve long since lost my copy of Garage Inc.,
and now the “Whiskey in Jar’ cover is just a click away.


New Mix CD's for Winter

Here are a few new Compilation Music Mixes we’re working on for that final sprint out of the Minnesota Winter

1.) “Funky Boss – Funky Boss – Get Off My Back”
A back to back, song for song investigation of the of the 1970’s work of Stevie Wonder and Pete Townsend.

2.) “Lonely Boys – Lonely Towns”
Another song for song, back to back compilation cd of the work by Kurt Cobain and Paul Westerberg. This mix cd would highlight the bizzarro relationship between Seattle and Minneapolis as the most lonely cities in North America. It might also spur a follow up mix cd of the comparison work of Bob Dylan and Jimi Hendrix. Sir Mix-a-Lot and Slug?

3.) Songs the make Jeff Johnson cry
This is a bullet proof of 13 songs that without fail always make me cry.


So today I got blessed by the Pope.
Not kidding here – in classic Gump fashion
we wandered into the Vatican after a leisurely
breakki in our jammies and stumbled
into a blessing service along with about
10,000 other sinners.

Ridulously, this was mor like a pep rally
than a mass – all regions of the empire
were announced and recognized – including – and
this is just plain weird – no less than 3 HUGE grups
from Minnesota being recognized. And when i say pep
rally, Im really not exagerating here, some groups
from around the world, when announced and recognized
would play musical instruments and everyone waved some
kind of flag or banners.

New Ulm, St. Thomas University, and Olivia represented
proud in the Vatican blessing ceremoney today.

Also – we found an Estele Getty 80-year-old look alike
on the street around midnight that was husking for us to
patronize either a “Sexy BarĀ°, a “Gentlemans Bar”, a “Disco Bar”,
or a “Piano Bar” – She dogged us in a dedicated fashion for about
a block and a half before she gave us the commission and Went
on to anoher score. Also, in the Roman winter (to them an unbearable
50 degress) Madame Estele was wearing an ankle length parka that
really drove home the creepy grandma sex industry worker vibe.

Roma Victa!!!


Bloody Knuckles Johnson

I am officially changing my rap name to “Bloody Knuckles Johnson”

Please change your itunes playlists accordingly.
jj // bkj